Stop The Brutal Slaughter Of Dogs In Bali

  • av: Judy Molland
  • mottagare: President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Every year more than 18 million dogs are slaughtered for human consumption worldwide. Thousands of these dogs are taken off the streets of Bali, where they are strangled, beaten, tied up, even skinned alive.

Dog catchers are paid around $2.50 per dog, and catch up to six each day. The commercial killing of innocent dogs for human consumption is wrong, and needs to stop.

Your Honor,

Every year more than 18 million dogs are slaughtered for human consumption worldwide. Thousands of these dogs are taken off the streets of Bali, where they are strangled, beaten, tied up, even skinned alive.

The commercial killing of innocent dogs for human consumption in this shocking manner is wrong, and needs to stop. Countries such as the Phillipines, Hong Kong and Singapore have banned the slaughter of dogs for human consumption, and Bali could do the same.

Please ban the slaughter of innocent dogs for human consumption in Bali.

Thank you for your time.

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