Don't uproot hundreds of trees at Leakin Park

  • av: Wesley Flickinger
  • mottagare: BGE spokesman Aaron Koos BGE CEO Kenneth W. DeFontes Jr.

Tree's have a important role in everyday life for both wildlife and people. That fact that BGE what's to cut down anywhere between 500 to 2,000 makes me sick and the reason they want to do it is for a new pipeline. So i'm telling BGE to take their business somewhere else we don't need a pipeline in the middle of a very beautiful park. WE MUST STAND AS ONE FOR THOSE WHO DON'T HAVE A VOICE AND FOR THE ENVIRONMENT!!!!!


We don't need to uproot any amount of tree's for a new pipeline. Tree's have a very important role for both Wildlife and people so i'm againest the plan to uproot any amount of tree's at Leakin Park. I know many other's feel the same way as I do. So you can take your business somewhere else and leave the tree's alone. The fact of you doing this makes me sick. WE MUST STAND AS ONE FOR THOSE WHO DON'T HAVE A VOICE AND FOR THE ENVIRONMENT!!!!!!!!!

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