Saved once, please help save again! Two deer, four raccoons, and their rescuer need help!

  • av: Molly Morehouse
  • mottagare: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio governor John Kasich, and the Mount Vernon Municipal Court

Carol Deyo runs a small farm in Knox county in Ohio. Deyo had been going through treatment for breast cancer when she and her boyfriend found a fawn whose leg was cut off and whose stomach was sliced open. This deer, Trooper, and Patch, found under a car, along with four raccoons will be killed. It is illegal to have wild animals in Ohio and permits are generally only given to deer hunting grounds and deer farms. There is a fine of $250 for the two counts of possessing wild animals, one for the deer and another for the raccoons. As this is a fourth-degree misdemeanor, deyo also faces up to 30 days in jail. The trial was set for August 29th, but was moved to Nov. 12 at 9 a.m. as her oncologist and her cardiologist worried that the stress would be a danger to her health. She says the animals are the only thing keeping her going so let's help her keep them. She saved these animals and they saved her with their love while she was suffering from cancer so now they need help again. Tell the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio governor John Kasich, and the Mount Vernon Municipal Court to not charge this former vet tech and to let these animals live. These animals are as tame as pets since they were in such need that they were bottle fed. Kindness should not be punished.

We, the undersigned, beg that kindness not be punished.

Carol Deyo runs a small farm in Knox county in Ohio. Deyo had been going through treatment for breast cancer when she and her boyfriend found a fawn whose leg was cut off and whose stomach was sliced open. Another was a fawn found under a car. Yet another was an orphaned new-born raccoon. She saved two deer and four raccoons and they saved her with their love while she was suffering from cancer. Please do not charge this former vet tech and let these animals live. These animals are as tame as pets since they were in such need that they were bottle fed. Kindness should not be punished.

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