Protect Whale and Dolphin Food Source

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Administrative Commissioner Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission

Menhaden, a medium sized fish, are a vital food source for ospreys, bottlenose dophins, and endangered humpback whales. They are considered the most important fish in the sea, and stocks are on the verge of collapse.

The population has decreased 88% over the last 25 years as a result of overfishing. Million dollar corporations take hundreds of millions of pounds of menhaden each year to be used as pet food, fertilizer and as fish oil supplements.

We ask for an immediate moratorium on menhaden fishing. The ocean ecosystem and endangered wildlife is dependant on these vital fish, and greedy corporations will continue to deplete the ocean with no concern for anything except their profits.

SOURCE and Additional Petition:

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission

Administrative Commissioner
Robert Ballou
3 Fort Wetherill Rd.
Jamestown, RI 02835
Tel: 401 - 222-4700
Fax: 401 - 423-1925

Menhaden, a medium sized fish, are a vital food source for ospreys, bottlenose dophins, and endangered humpback whales. They are considered the most important fish in the sea, and stocks are on the verge of collapse.

The population has decreased 88% over the last 25 years as a result of overfishing. Million dollar corporations take hundreds of millions of pounds of menhaden each year to be used as pet food, fertilizer and as fish oil supplements.

We ask for an immediate moratorium on menhaden fishing. The ocean ecosystem and endangered wildlife is dependant on these vital fish, and greedy corporations will continue to deplete the ocean with no concern for anything except their profits.

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