JUSTICE FOR MIJO-Man Of God Kills Dog With Machete

Justice must be saught for Mijo,this was a disgusting,needless crime that this man made;and you (a department of law) it is your duty to ''serve and protect".

May 10th, Ortiz found his best friend and beloved dog, Mijo, lying in a pool of his own blood, dying just "inches from his home." Mijo, who'd been slashed from head to toe had dragged himself home where he was found dying by Ortiz.

Ortiz followed the trail of blood to a neighbor's house and called the Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department to ask for help. The neighbor claimed he was in fear for his life when Mijo, the yellow lab entered his property. He retaliated by slashing the dog with a machete.

The Hidalgo County Sheriff's Department have closed the case and refuse to press charges for animal abuse since Mijo was not secured. Ortiz and others are shocked that an animal can be killed in such a brutal manner with no investigation. Followers of this story were doubly horrified to discover that Mijo's killer is a minister.

Many questions have been left unanswered by the sheriff's department. Ortiz is dealing with the grief of not only losing his best friend and companion, but the malicious and painful manner of Mijo's death. Luis Ortiz served his country, returning to face wartime horror on peaceful ground. Everything about this situation is wrong. The government has let Ortiz down and by closing this case, acknowledges animal abuse and cruelty.

You are sworn to "protect and serve",you are supposed to uphold the law.You have failed in every sence,for this animal.The person who did this must pay for this crime.You need to press charges and follow through with them to the fullest extent of the law.Justice must be saught for Mijo and his owner-Luis Oritiz.

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