Hold Ben Hill Griffin, Inc. Responsible for the Deaths of Millions of Bees

  • av: Kevin Mathews
  • mottagare: Kelly Friend, Chief of the Bureau of Compliance Monitoring in Florida

Citrus company Ben Hill Griffin, Inc. was found to have killed millions of bees through its use of illegal pesticide spraying. Although the law permits officials to fine the business up to $40,000 (still an unfortunately small amount), the Bureau of Compliance Monitoring has decided to fine just $1,500, an amount that does nothing to discourage this farm and others from doing the same thing in the future. How many millions of bees need to die before a business is cracked down on more harshly?

We urge Kelly Friend to take colony collapse disorder more seriously. Pesticides have repeatedly been linked to bee extermination. Do not let businesses like Ben Hil Griffin off with a slap on the wrist - their carelessness can have a major impact on the environment and, ultimately, the world's food supply.

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