Save Burlington’s Coyotes

  • av: Nicole Corrado
  • mottagare: City of Burlington, Ontario, Halton Regional Police, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Burlington, Ontario has killed four coyotes after seven people suffered non life threatening bites in the last few months. Killing coyotes never works, because they are quickly replaced by other coyotes. Even killing "problem" animals is ineffective, because the problems are caused by humans. The coyotes were showing food demand/clothes tugging behaviours, because they were likely fed by people. Stanley Park in Vancouver still had human bite incidents after their cull of 11 coyotes; the bites only stopped when a feeding ban was enforced. We thank the City of Burlington for increasing its feeding ban fine, and moving the feeding ban to city wide animal bylaws.  We would like the City of Burlington to revoke lethal removal from its coyote policies, and cancel its annual contract with a trapper or hunter.  Bite victims can receive very safe rabies vaccines without lethally testing animals. We would like Burlington to retrain the remaining animals, educate residents, and, if need be, relocate any coyote to a safe location (which is legal in Ontario with a permit). Dogs who bite can be rehabilitated, so can coyotes. Choose kindness.

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