• av: Jacqueline Shaw
  • mottagare: People who support their Constitutional Rights

We, the undersigned, express our strong support for House Bill 957, an important piece of legislation aimed at promoting the production and use of Texas-made suppressors. This bill not only contributes to our state's economic growth but also upholds the rights of law-abiding citizens.

 Why Support House Bill 957:

Economic Growth: House Bill 957 fosters the development and manufacturing of suppressors within Texas, creating jobs, stimulating economic activity, and supporting local businesses.

 Safety and Responsibility: Suppressors play a crucial role in hearing protection, reducing noise pollution in shooting environments, and enhancing the overall safety of firearm use.

Preserving Individual Liberties: This legislation upholds the constitutional rights of responsible gun owners, affirming the right to bear arms and promoting a culture of responsible gun ownership.

How You Can Help:

By signing this petition, you are expressing your support for House Bill 957 and its positive impact on our state. Your signature will be added to those of other concerned citizens, showing our collective endorsement of this legislation.

· a firearm suppressor that is manufactured in and remains in Texas is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of the U.S. Congress to regulate interstate commerce;

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