Tell The Border to ditch Cruel Lobster Killing Game

Colorado has some tough animal laws, but they haven't quite reached the crime of boiling animals alive in a game. The Mexican restaurant The Border has a game called "Lobster Zone."I would not truly call It a game. In it, living lobsters are stuffed into a arcade-style game, where they are grabbed by a metal claw and dropped down a chute where they are boiled or chopped alive. This is cruel and disgusting. Not only am I am doing this petition, but you can contact The Border, or, if you live in Colorado, go and complain to the restraunt yourself!
Here is some contact info.

The address:
2014 S. University Blvd.
Denver, CO 80210

 Here's the phone number:

Dear Border,
I am horrorfied that you allow a cruel tourture game in your restraunt. "Lobster Zone" kills lobsters for fun. Have you ever considered how the lobster felt while being crammed in acage, only to be boiled alive in full view of their friends?
Get rid of this horrible death trap. Please. 

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