SOS! Help stop flayers killer dogs and animals in Russia!

In Russia  since 2009 operates flayers gang calling themselves "doghanters organization".

Over three years have been brutally killed and maimed hundreds of animals. Numerous complaints to law enforcement agencies do not work - the police statement ignores the facts affecting the cruelty of killing animals and bullying them and fails to initiate criminal proceedings. A rare case wound on flayers do not receive development, hindered the investigation, under various pretexts, then the files are closed.

Criminal omission makes law enforcement partners such offenses to commit new acts of cruelty and murder, as geeks do not get the deserved punishment, which gives them a free hand. And forces, in fact, are not indifferent to the suffering of animals people to go to lynching and to decide the issues that should be dealt with law enforcement agencies.

 Help stop flayers killer dogs and animals in Russia!

Visit this site and support us, are asking

In Russia  since 2009 operates flayers gang calling themselves "doghanters organization".

Over three years have been brutally killed and maimed hundreds of animals. Numerous complaints to law enforcement agencies do not work - the police statement ignores the facts affecting the cruelty of killing animals and bullying them and fails to initiate criminal proceedings. A rare case wound on flayers do not receive development, hindered the investigation, under various pretexts, then the files are closed.

Criminal omission makes law enforcement partners such offenses to commit new acts of cruelty and murder, as geeks do not get the deserved punishment, which gives them a free hand. And forces, in fact, are not indifferent to the suffering of animals people to go to lynching and to decide the issues that should be dealt with law enforcement agencies.

 Help stop flayers killer dogs and animals in Russia!

Visit this site and support us, are asking

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