In the past years, Taiji, Japan has killed many dolphins in their beaches, enough to turn the surrounding waters blood red. It is an annual killing spree that lasts up to 6 months, sometimes more.In the annual hunt, people from the southwestern town corral hundreds of dolphins into a secluded bay and butcher them, turning the water crimson red.
Defenders of the hunt say it is a tradition and point out that the animals are not endangered, a position echoed by the Japanese government. Although the dolphins may not be endangered doesn't mean they can't be in the near future due to the amount of killings that take place in Taiji. How would you feel if just because you have many children, people are allowed to kill some of them, because you have soooo many, right?
Separately, Japanese fisheries have announced that they will begin a whale hunt, similar to the dolphin hunts. We should put an end to the horrifying killings of these innocent and defenseless animals.
Thank you for hearing us out and hope to see your signature.

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