Every living creature has a right to live ! However in TRNC animals have been suffering for so long ! The volunteers have been trying educate,teach and protect however ; the government has legalised the legislation of murdering street animals( euthanasia) ; the animals without protection. This is against human nature,this is against the law itself. Law protects but doesn't murder! Law is for the ones who need help ! So let us raise our voice all together to help these animals in need ! 

Thank you ! 

Dear TRNC Government,

The first article of natural law is : "Every creature has a right to live". Natural law is the basis of all the law and legislations. Law is protective , and defending; defending for the rights of the ones in need. Law does not end lives but it gives lives better chances to live in a protective environment.
The ratified legislation is neither protective nor giving a chance to live.  No law in the world is for killing , no legislation could be ratified in the name of harming. This is against the nature of law ! 
Taking back the legislation and providing these animals good conditions of living would be considered as LAW , and using law in its pure aim  . 

Thank you .

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