Justice for Pet Rottweiler Dragged to Death Behind Car by Owner

  • av: Venice Zzaneti
  • mottagare: Mr. Costas Clerides, Attorney General, Cyprus

A pet Rottweiler was dragged to his death on Christmas morning when his owner tied him to the back of his car, started the engine and began to drive through the town center.

A police officer saw the sickening spectacle, began to chase the offender until he managed to stop him. But it was to late as the helpless, defenseless dog was already dead from torture...

When police searched the offender's car they found an axe, police believe the assailant had intended to finish off the unlucky dog, if the first assassination attempt was not successful.

When questioned by police, the justification given by the offender was ''I had nowhere to leave him so I decided to kill him.''

Please demand justice for the defenseless Rottweiler who was tortured and dragged by the neck to his death.

Please punish the man who killed his dog by dragging it behind his truck on Christmas day, and set an example to prove that animal abusers in Cyprus will not be let off the hook for horrific crimes like this.

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