ALL the SPCA branches MUST CEASE EUTHANASIA of animals with IMMEDIATE EFFECT until such time as a FULL INVESTIGATION of management and employee practices has been completed.
Members of the public as well as Corporate companies who support the SPCA's and NSPCA, are by large unaware of what is happening to animals and are misled into believing that the welfare of animals are at the top of the agenda. The misconception is that animals are being rescued and rehomed by means of adoptions as well as reclaimed by owners and it is assumed that the SPCA's are functioning within the law.

Members of the public are calling for full disclosure and transparency into the financial matters, adoption as well as euthanasia statistics of the NSPCA and SPCA's.

We, the members of the public demand the following:

NSPCA and SPCA’s to immediately cease their euthanasia activities. We insist that the NSPCA order Managing Directors of all SPCA's to follow this directive based on irregularities in conduct pertaining to the correct procedures outlined in the ANIMALS PROTECTION ACT No. 71 of 1962 (Assented to June, 1962) (Date of commencement: 01 December 1962).

The public deserve the right to know what the SPCA's procedures are and what really happens to the animal in terms of the likelihood of adoption vs euthanasia. The issue of lost pets being reclaimed by owners and animals demarcated for euthanasia, then used as blood donors is also concerning. It is unclear as to how and whether animals are even evaluated for adoption while the practices of ongoing euthanasia are rife.

The public deserve the right to know what the full implications are to an animal handed over into the care of the SPCA.

Members of public who hand an animal in at the SPCA don't receive any proof of receipt/documentation detailing the description of the animal and therefore have no proof, rendering them unable to follow up on that particular animal.

Members of the public have the right to know who adopted an animal handed in at an SPCA branch, when it is claimed by the SPCA that the animal has been adopted. Currently the SPCA's enjoy a non-disclosure policy regarding this, disabling the concerned citizen from following up on the animals welfare. (Lack of transparency)

Post checks reveal that animals were killed due to supposed life threatening diseases. These euthanized animals should have documentation pertaining to test results from a vet to support this claim, yet don't.

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