PETA Please stop killing shelter dogs and cats!!

The Virginia Senate has passed a bill aimed at preventing PETA from killing dogs and cats at their headquarters in Norfolk.

PETA nominally operates a "shelter" in Virginia, which has killed well over 30,000 animals. As I reported yesterday, in 2014, PETA slaughtered over 88% of the dogs and cats taken in. A number of years have seen PETA's kill rate as high as 97%. The VA Senate has been weighing measures to stem this madness.

Senate Bill 1381 was voted on today, with 33 in favor, and 5 opposed. Should this bill pass in the House, section 3.2-6500 of the Code of Virginia will be amended to include language further defining a private animal shelter. A "shelter" will no longer be able to summarily kill the vast majority of animals taken in, because that term will designate: "a facility operated for the purpose of finding permanent adoptive homes and facilitating other lifesaving outcomes for animals."

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