Let's Urge the Government of Canada to Ban Cosmetic Testing on Animals!

Every year, over a million animals lose their lives in the process of animal testing. Dogs, cats, primates, mice and more routinely undergo "tests" which include having poisons shoved down their throats, injected into their bodies, dripped into their eyes and drizzled onto their already-scalded skin. This is ugly truth behind the beauty industry.

Not only is this brutal practice cruel and inhumane, but it is also unnecessary. There is no excuse to continue testing on animals to produce cosmetic products because there are so many cruelty-free alternatives such as human gene and test tube studies, computer models, artificial skin and tissue, and more. These methods of testing save countless lives of animals and are already being used by big companies such as Revlon, MAC, Lush & The Body Shop.

We are a modern country, with cutting edge technology and innovative minds; so why are we still using primitive means of research?

Let's take Europe Union's example and ban the unnecessary practice of testing cosmetic and personal care products on animals in our country.

We want to world to go cruelty-free, starting with Canada

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