She Cruelly Neglected Almost 200 Dogs, and Then Held Some Hostage to Tried to Evade Justice

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Mercer County Sheriff's Offices

A woman is facing several years in jail after nearly 200 dogs were found suffering in neglect on her property. To make matters work, when faced with legal action for her cruelty, she apparently held someone else's dogs hostage in order to coerce them into dropping charges against her.

Sign now to tell local prosecutors: require this woman to get counseling and give her a lifetime ban on animal ownership! 

The hoards of sick and emaciated dogs that local authorities witnessed in the "care" of this woman were bad enough. Lack of access to food, water, or clean, safe spaces was causing so much suffering. But then, to make matters worse, the perpetrator tried to evade justice by kidnapping dogs she was hired to transport and care for. Clearly, swift and truly restorative action needs to be taken -- anyone who would do something like this, try to get away with it after getting caught, and plead not guilty to the whole thing needs a lot of help. 

All living creatures deserve better than this, most of all the voiceless, defenseless pets that depend on us. 

This woman now faces twelve counts of aggravated abuse against animals. But a lifetime ban on animal ownership or working with animals, plus mandated counseling, would actually help both protect animals and this woman, too. Mercer County officials must do the right thing to protect all members of the community -- human and non-human. Sign the petition now if you agree!

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