Mandatory spay/neuter

  • av: Irene Peterson
  • mottagare: City of Decatur, County of Macon, in the State of Illinois

The number of dogs and cats in our local shelters is overwhelming, reaching appr. 450 in September, 2012.  For a community our size, this is deplorable.  An intake of more than 4,000 animals at our local Macon County Animal Control during 2011, more than half had to be euthanized.  The Humane Society of Decatur and Macon County has provided low cost and free spay/neuter programs for twelve years, and, the Macon County Animal Shelter Foundation has offered similar programs for several years.  Existing programs are not working fast enough.  The only way to reduce pet overpopulation is SPAY AND NEUTER.  We want a mandatory spay/neuter law in our city and county to reduce pet overpopulation and reduce the killing of many wonderful animnals.

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