Tell Cherry Hill to Move Forward With Puppy Mill Ban!

When Camden County passed "Norman's Law" -- legislation banning the sale of pet-mill animals -- Gloucester Township Mayor David Mayer encouraged all municipalities to introduce sister legislation to strengthen the law. Cherry Hill township has done just that, and plans to read and vote on the ordinance on November 9th. The ordinance is nicknamed "Bogart's Law" in honor of Councilwoman Melinda Kane's rescue cat.

Puppy mill sales encourage irresponsible breeding, which hurts both animals and the people who adopt them. Large-scale breeding farms place money over animals' health, leading to sick pets and heartbroken owners. Cherry Hill's proposed legislation would promote the efforts of local shelters, helping to save animals' lives.

Please sign the petition to urge Cherry Hill to move forward with their puppy mill ban!

We, the undersigned, are writing to support "Bogart's Law," the anti-puppy-mill legislation introduced to support Camden County's "Norman's Law."

Puppy mill sales encourage irresponsible breeding, which hurts both animals and the people who adopt them. Large-scale breeding farms place money over animals' health, leading to sick pets and heartbroken owners. "Bogart's Law" would promote the efforts of local shelters, helping to save animals' lives and support organizations that make a positive difference.

We respectfully urge you to move forward with your puppy mill ban. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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