Dear Prime Minister, please stop the trend of mob-lynching of wild animals in India

India has been a tolerant nation advocating respect for all life since ancient times. However, the last few weeks have been tragic for wildlife in India. We have seen mobs kill and dismember a Royal Bengal Tiger, burn alive a Leopard and beat to death another. Elephants and Bears have also been targeted for straying into human settlements that are often encroached wildlife habitat.

Every year frenzied mobs brutally kill scores of protected and endangered animals with impunity, often in the presence of helpless law enforcement officials. This is due to the lack of action against the perpetrators even though photographs and videos of such incidents are widely circulated.

The appended links contain disturbing footage and news of some recent incidents.

We request the Honourable Prime Minister of India to appeal to the nation to refrain from such brutality on our wildlife heritage during his 'Mann Ki Baat' address to the nation. Please sign and share the petition so that our voice reaches the Indian Prime Minister.

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