PetSmart to close grooming locations until regulations can be put into place

Due events that have recently been brought to the forefront of social media involving the deaths and injuries of pets, this is said to be at the hands of groomers employed with PetSmart. The reporting of incidents continues to rise. We are requesting that PetSmart take a huge step forward and voluntarily close all grooming salon locations until all states in which they have stores can put regulations into place. This will show that PetSmart puts the welfare and well-being of pets at the top of their priority list.

This request comes due to the fact that it takes time to get regulations to protect pets into place. There is a process that must be followed before new laws can be made and put into place. This request will also ensure that no further pets are injured or killed while we await these regulations to be placed into effective.

We are also asking that PetSmart President and Chief Executive Officer J.K. Symancyk step down from his position as a show of good faith.  In the below article PetSmart states they support regulations to be inacted.   IF this is true, then closing the grooming sections in a show of good faith would be an excellent way of showing the millions of pet owners they support this change.

Uppdatera #26 år sedan
Sorry forgot link if you signed this one please sign the one at the link with this. Have had some issues with this one letting people sign so i put one on
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
If you have not already done so please sign the petition here. There have been issues with people being able to sign this one
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