Stop The Pitbull BSL Law in The City Of Newark Ohio!

What happens under Breed Specific Legislation?

* Innocent people continue to be threatened, bitten, traumatized, disfigured and killed by non targeted breeds and types of dogs.

* Innocent dogs are then killed because they look a certain way.

* Millions of dollars are wasted and animal patrol resources are streched thin in order to kill dogs and not save people.

* Abusive and irresponsible owners carry on with business as "usual".

* Good owners and their families are (outcasted if they keep their targeted dog) or devastated if they give up their targeted dog.

* Reason, science and expertise get ignored or, even worse scoffed at.

* Nobody learns anything about why dogs bite and attack, safety around dogs, or responsible dog ownership.

Breed Specific Legislation makes victims of us all...

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