Reform City policies on collecting stray animals

  • av: Penny Larocco
  • mottagare: City of Abilene Texas Animal Shelter, Mayor Norm Archibald

There is No place for residents who find stray animals to take them to, I was given a $550.00 fine that I am fighting with the help of a Lawyer. Just for finding 2 stray Dogs, I kept them for the week-end. then took them to the animal shelter on Monday Just to find out that the Animal Shelter opens is 10:00am. There needs to be Employees At the Animal Shelter 24 hrs a day! The City spent hundred of thousands on a Armored truck, that they might use every few years. city taxes has gone up every year! We want the city to pay for updates to the Animal shelter, making things like Cages to be put out side so people who find stray Dogs or cat's can drop them off some where safe. Also we would like the Employees to take Classes on People skills and Anger Management. If they refuse then they will have to find another job, that does not deal with Animals or Public Service! & I want the Animal Shelter looked into for misopropration of funds, I want to know why the two Dog catchers were in uniform and operating a city Dog catching truck if they are not on the clock until 10:00 am and I was trying to give them the dogs at 9:20 am? where were they going, what were they doing? Someone needs to investigate!!! I am asking for as many signatures as I can get. Thank you all for your help.

Penny LaRocco

Abilene, Texas   

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