Protect Grizzly Bears from Mining in Montana

Montanore Mine is a massive undergound copper and silver mine in the state of Montana. Mines Management, Inc., a mining property speculator based in Spokane, bought the property, including the operating permit from Noranda. The mine would be on public lands in the Kootenai National Forest.

This mine would have significant negative impacts on three threatened or endangered species: grizzly bears, bull trout, and Canada lynx.

It would destroy 27,000 acres of critical grizzly bear habitat. Only 10-15 grizzly bears now inhabit the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, and a mere 30-35 are in the entire Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystem. The loss of 27,000 acres of habitat is a death sentence for these bears.

Under the Endangered Species Act, the Kootenai National Forest has a fundamental duty to protect all listed species and their habitat from harm. Permitting this disastrous project would violate those requirements.


Department of the Interior
Sally Jewell
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20240
Phone: (202) 208-3100
Web: Feedback form

Montanore Mine is a massive undergound copper and silver mine in the state of Montana. Mines Management, Inc., a mining property speculator based in Spokane, bought the property, including the operating permit from Noranda. The mine would be on public lands in the Kootenai National Forest.

This mine would have significant negative impacts on three threatened or endangered species: grizzly bears, bull trout, and Canada lynx.

It would destroy 27,000 acres of critical grizzly bear habitat. Only 10-15 grizzly bears now inhabit the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, and a mere 30-35 are in the entire Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystem. The loss of 27,000 acres of habitat is a death sentence for these bears.

Under the Endangered Species Act, the Kootenai National Forest has a fundamental duty to protect all listed species and their habitat from harm. Permitting this disastrous project would violate those requirements.


Department of the Interior
Sally Jewell
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20240
Phone: (202) 208-3100
Web: Feedback form

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