Everyday Is Straight Pride, We Don't Need a Pointless Parade

Super Happy Fun America announced its intentions to throw a "straight pride" parade this summer in Boston. The group claims that "it's great to be straight" and that straight people are an oppressed group.

They even recruited disgraced, creeper Milo Yiannopoulos to be their parade's grand marshall!

We need to send a message loud and clear to the organizers: we don't need this demeaning and unnecessary event.

Will you sign our petition telling the organizers to cancel this joke of a parade?

Today there are still states where gay couples cannot adopt children, where their marriages are constantly called into question by so-called "religious" people. Just two years ago during pride month, a shooter opened fire in a gay nightclub because he didn't like LGBTQ+ people. That's why it's important to have an LGBTQ+ pride, and why a straight pride parade is unnecessary.

We need a surge of grassroots support to show the "straight pride" organizers that we stand against their charade of a parade. Will you sign now?

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