Stop Putting Down Healthy War Hero Dogs Just Because They're "Old"

The British Army has put down hundreds of war dogs because they are 'old and worn out,' The Mail reports. The Army has ordered 45 dogs to be killed since 2013, even though they were not suffering any serious medical conditions. 231 dogswere euthanized from 2013 to 2016, some less than 8 years old.

Documents obtained through a Freedom of Information (FoI) request show the dogs were described as 'old and worn out (unsuitable for rehome)' and 'no longer able to carry out their duties to the requisite standard.'

We the undersigned ask that you stop "putting down" war dogs just because they are "old." Surely you can find homes or sanctuaries for them so they can live out their final days in peace. These dogs served just as loyally and courageously as any human soldiers - they deserve better than euthanasia just because they can no longer carry out their duties.

We the undersigned ask that you stop "putting down" war dogs just because they are "old." Surely you can find homes or sanctuaries for them so they can live out their final days in peace. These dogs served just as loyally and courageously as any human soldiers - they deserve better than euthanasia just because they can no longer carry out their duties.

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