Tell news station that cruelty to raccoons is not funny.

Tonight, KEZI news aired a piece about a raccoon that was trapped by monkeys inside their enclosure.  They grabbed the poor thing, flung it into the air and watched it drop to the ground, hit it, and pulled it by the tail back out of an escape hole; this activity was filmed by someone at the enclosure.  KEZI newscasters thought this was very funny, and laughed throughout the piece as if it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen.  Their behavior set a terrible example, showing overt approval of how hilarious it can be to torture and abuse a helpless animal.  Sign this petition, and we will forward it to KEZI, let them see there are consequences for this kind of irresponsible behavior.

KEZI, one of our local news programs, showed a video of a raccoon being flung about, hit, and tortured in general by monkeys in a zoo; the raccoon had wandered into their enclosure and the encounter was filmed by onlookers.  The newscasters laughed as if it was hilarious, it was not.  They need to be told that showing cruelty as something amusing is irresponsible and has consequences.

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