No Permit Renewal for Truck-Stop Tiger

Tony, a 12 year-old Siberian-Bengal tiger, is being kept at the truck stop without a permit,  (ILLEGALLY), as a gimick roadside attraction at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, Lousianna by owner Michael Sandlin.

Sandlin has exploited tigers for over 20 years: buying, breeding, selling, and exhibiting tigers in poor conditions for his own profit. In 2003, three tigers were removed from Sandlin for animal welfare violations and sent to a Tennessee sanctuary.

Sandlin lost his permit to keep Tony at the Truck Stop in two court cases, but has appealed the decision. State law bars Sandlin from owning and exhibiting a tiger because he did not legally own Tony when Louisiana’s big cat ban went into effect, and because Sandlin does not live on the premises where Tony is held captive.

Tony has endured more than a decade of misery at the Tiger Truck Stop , inhaling fumes from gasoline, bright lights from cameras and noise from cars. It's not a healthy place for a tiger to live if signs must be posted asking people not to throw rocks and bottles at him.

We ask that you do not renew a permit to keep the tiger at a truckstop, but act on behalf of the best interest of the tiger and send Tony to a sanctuary.

SOURCE and Additional Petition:

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Colonel Winton Vidrine
Chief Enforcement Division
2000 Quail Drive
Baton Rouge
Lousiana 70808
Phone: 225-765-2800

Tony, a 12 year-old Siberian-Bengal tiger, is being kept at the truck stop without a permit,  (ILLEGALLY), as a gimick roadside attraction at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete, Lousianna by owner Michael Sandlin.

Sandlin has exploited tigers for over 20 years: buying, breeding, selling, and exhibiting tigers in poor conditions for his own profit. In 2003, three tigers were removed from Sandlin for animal welfare violations and sent to a Tennessee sanctuary.

Sandlin lost his permit to keep Tony at the Truck Stop in two court cases, but has appealed the decision. State law bars Sandlin from owning and exhibiting a tiger because he did not legally own Tony when Louisiana’s big cat ban went into effect, and because Sandlin does not live on the premises where Tony is held captive.

Tony has endured more than a decade of misery at the Tiger Truck Stop , inhaling fumes from gasoline, bright lights from cameras and noise from cars. It's not a healthy place for a tiger to live if signs must be posted asking people not to throw rocks and bottles at him.

We ask that you do not renew a permit to keep the tiger at a truckstop, but act on behalf of the best interest of the tiger and send Tony to a sanctuary.

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