Stop Loud Music In Mote Park Polluting Our Homes

    The council must relocate loud amplified music events from Mote Park Maidstone to a location well away from urban homes.

    The council should comply with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 which states noise emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance is classified as a 'Statutory Nuisance' - an offence under the act.

    Mote Park is council owned and is for the benefit of the local community. The past three years - 2015, 2016 & 2017 - the Ramblin Man concert in particular has polluted homes as far as at least 2 miles from the event. Despite closing doors and windows it has not been possible to stop the noise - not music - more like a pile driver on a building site - a thump thump that is continuous and repetitive over many hours. Further the council has failed to employ their own officers at the event, instead allowing an independent sound consultant to monitor the sound. The promoters of the event employ the acoustic consultants so they are not independent. It seems that creating a revenue source is more important than protecting the local community from noise which the World Health Organisation states has in the 21st century a significant effect on health. The Audley homes complex located at Mote House is on the eastern edge of the park and suffers most from this incessant noise. The complex provides homes for an older retired community who are least able to fight against this injustice.

    Please sign this petition, if not for yourselves but for the people who have been blighted by this failure of the council to protect vulnerable people.
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