Save the animal's, they're not only animals they're family

  • av: Kelly Lopez
  • mottagare: To the head of the corporation
The reason I want people to sign up because animals need a place to live for example they're the same thing as homeless people's but some homeless people's have a shelter to live, so why can't animal's have the same thing as them because they're different from us, yea I know they are animal's but that doesn't mean anything because animal's have heart,feeling, and a Brain just like us human they can feel when they're in big danger just like us, but the problem is that we can speak and communicate with other people's but what about animal's they can't not communicate with us because we don't understand them what they are saying but if they have the chance they will tell us that they need a home to live, to save their life because they have abusive owner that hurt them and to keep them safe from other people who are trying to hurt them. Over each years animals die and you can find the facts by the article or sometime in the news I don't need to give you any example because we all know about animals abuse or should I say animals cruelty.
I hope this can help to save all animals or some as possible they need a better place to live and feel safe hopefully this message can open people eyes to understand why they need to sign up and care about animals. However at the end of the day you will feel good about yourself because you did something thoughtful that the whole animal will appreciate you and give you big thank you to save them and so do I will say thank you for the people who will sign up and save animals thank you to all who ever is reading this I will really appreciated.
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