Demand a stop to testing on animals for cosmetic purposes

For years now, animals have been subject to suffering, torture and finally death in hands of numerous cosmetic companies. They are born and bred for this and never come to know what pain-free life is like outside a testing lab.
My questions to you are the following:
Why should animals have to suffer just so men and women can look nicer to improve their appearance? Why should "beauty" cause suffering and death? I have never been able to understand the use of animal testing for cosmetic purposes, its cruel, barbaric and inhumane. Which leads on to my second question.
Why do companies such as L'oreal, Procter and Gamble, Unilever and many others, continue to test on animals when there are companies out there that don't? Surely if some companies can achieve this, they all can? Or am I just being idealistic?
If you to share the same views as me and would like to see a change, please sign this petition. Thank you for taking the time to sign and thank you for caring.

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