Demand for conviction for man who beat 5 puppies to death in broad daylight!!!!!!!!

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Police In Jinan, Shangdong Province, China

Please sign and share this petition to convict man who beat 5 puppies in front of a horrified crowd and get justice for the innocent pups!!

This is such a disturbing story.  It seemed to start out sweet; this guy in China wanted to get his girlfriend a puppy but when he saw the animals, one of them nipped at his finger.  He suddenly got violent about the situation.  The Chinese man demanded that the old woman with the puppies pay for his injury.  After she stated she had no money to do so, he did not just grab the pup that bit him but all five puppies, one at a time and slammed them to the ground to their death in front of a crowd of horrified shoppers!!!!!!!

The girlfriend of this guy tried to calm this beast down but he disregarded her pleas as he killed all five puppies!  Police are claiming that they cannot punish the man nor do anything because the old woman did not contact them and file a complaint.  After seeing what this poor-excuse-for-a-human-being did, she probably was terrified to complain against him.  If someone can so easily terrorize an animal so freely, humans can easily be in danger of that person with such a violent temper of violence!

This guy’s photo is posted everywhere and there are hopes that he will be identified and brought to justice!!  The evidence is nationwide that this man did this so why are the police being so lax about what he did.  So what if the scared old woman did not file a complaint; he did the horrific acts, five times, in front of tons of witnesses!  Nab him and make accountable for the animal abuse and cruelty of five innocent little puppies that did not even have a chance at life because of one human beast!

Please sign and share this petition worldwide to convict man who beat 5 puppies in front of a horrified crowd and get justice for the innocent pups!!

Police In Jinan, Shangdong Province, China – You need to do something to identify this beast-of-a-human being and bring him to justice.  The evidence that he did it is worldwide, not to mention all the witnesses at the shopping area.  Don’t let him be free just because a scared woman is fearful of turning him in through a complaint!!!  If you let him free, he will do it over and over again, escalating to children and other humans!  He obviously has a temper that cannot be controlled!  Please, please arrest this man and bring him to justice!  Throw him in jail and throw away the key!!!!!!!!!!

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