Stop Clear Cutting in the Congo!

Rainforests are the lungs of the earth, and the world's second largest rainforest is in the Congo. So why are twenty Chinese companies illegally logging the Congo rainforest?

According to a report by Greenpeace, approximately 3 million cubic meters of wood leave the Congo Basin for cities in China every year. And much of that wood was illegally obtained. The result is that many fertile rainforest jungles are now a wasteland of clear cutting. Loss of dense forest creates a domino effect leading to bad farming practices, pollution, and the death of wildlife.

Please join me in asking Xi Jinping to call on China's National People's Congress to pass laws prohibiting the import of timber that has been illegally harvested

Dear President Xi Jinping:

I am distressed to learn that illegal and dangerous logging is taking place in the Congo. And twenty Chinese companies seem to be doing the lion's share of this logging. Clear cutting rainforests is never a good idea. But the clear cutting that is taking place in the Congo threatens the oxygen supply of the entire planet. It also leads inevitably to pollution and loss of biodiversity. Please call on China's National People's Congress to pass laws prohibiting the import of timber that has been illegally harvested.

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