• av: LINDA C
  • mottagare: FWC ---Fish Wildlife Commission (Florida)

The perpetrator operating the speed boat pulling a helpless, dying shark at break-neck speed on the back of his boat has been identified. This was NOT the first offense of Michael Wenzel and his cruel crew! We have his own social media brag photos of him and his crew pouring beer in the gills of a hammerhead shark, holding and posing with dead pelicans and other sea birds, pouring beer into the open mouth of a giant grouper, using dead dogs to bait sharks, and using sting rays as beer bongs ---and all of this is what he allowed us to see in his brag photographs. These are NOT kids having mischief on the sea -- these are repetitive abusers and torturers of wildlife! Their families may be rich and politically connected, one even being a powerful attorney -- but they are monsters still and deserve to lose their boating rights and license as they will re-offend only, after this, they won't photograph the torture in the future.  CHECK THIS OUT -- https://www.everipedia.com/michael-wenzel-1/

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