Clean Water Act enforcement for Florida's Waters Now.

  • av: Ocean Rehab Initiative Inc,
  • mottagare: Florida Citizens, Tourism Industry, Florida Economy, Coral Reef, Divers, Fishermen, Coastal Citizen
Cleaner water for Florida is what we are after:

With 27 known species of Harmful Algae, 7 of which are toxic/ yes deadly and have occurancy levels of 30% in certain non-turbid estuary locations and wetlands
now is the time to protect of health and future of Florida.

Our States Economy is at stake here, starting with the Tourism Industry (Divers, Fishermen, Charters, Hotels, Theme Parks, Attractions, you name it.)
Please tell us its important to you that citizens have the right to the Clean Water Act in Florida.

William Djubin
President of
Ocean Rehab Initiative Inc.
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