Let's Plant Trees - Part 8

  • av: D.M.
  • mottagare: Everyone who has a Care2 Account

Deforestation is a huge problem for the planet. Let's do something about it!

It is my intent to use the butterfly points generated from the signatures to replant as many trees as possible as fast as possible. With every 250 signatures we grow 1 tree closer to replanting a whole acre. For every acre planted 30 people can breath clean air for life.

If every member signs, we will generate enough butterfly points to plant well over 66,815 trees. That's over 153 acres of forest. All it takes is a 2 second signature from each member. It's just that simple.


Let's Plant Trees - Part 7



Let's Plant Trees - Part 6



Let's Plant Trees - Part 5



Let's Plant Trees - Part 4


Let's Plant Trees - Part 3


Let's Plant Trees - Part 2


Let's Plant Trees - Part 1

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