Save the Dogs and Cats of China from being Slaughtered. Make a Law for Animal Cruelty.

  • av: KLR
  • mottagare: President Hu Jintao, Chinese Embassy, Chinese Ambassadors
Please Sign this Petition to Save the Lives of Dogs and Cats in China.
Innocent Dogs and Cats are being killed everyday in China for use in their Chinese Food.
This must stop it is Inhumane and  Dogs and Cats should be respected as pets not as food.

Yesterday it became apparent that 500 dogs almost lost their lives in China. They were crammed into a truck that was transferring them to be slaughtered. The dogs were luckily spotted by animal lovers and the truck was bought to a halt by a car swerving in front of it.
After a 15 hour stand off it was agreed the only thing that could make the dogs released from the trucking company was to pay them. The animal charity had to pay out a massive sum of Ł10,000 to free the 500 dogs.

These dogs are the lucky ones.........They were saved.

Unfortunately this is happening all he time but this truck was spotted by Animal Lovers who intervened. How many trucks drive along with poor innocent dogs unspotted?

What we want is for China to make a new Law to Protect Animals from Cruelty and Ban the Trade in Dog and Cat Meat. 
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