Stop Greyhound Racing In West Virginia

West Virginia is only one of seven remaining states that allow greyhound dog racing in the entire US. The other states have since banned the brutal sport due to public outcry and groups like GREY2K who kept the pressure on state governments until they banned it. Unlike those states that have closed down this barbaric sport, WV has a form of insurance that will keep the dogs racing and dogs dying.

Our Governor, Earl Ray Tomblin grew up inside the families ongoing greyhound racing business which has made his parents and brother one of the top winning owner-breeders and trainers in this state. And according to state records, their greyhound dog operation is the primary source of income for Freda and Earl Tomblin Sr. Gov Tomblin also has many friends and political support from members of the greyhound industry and the casino’s too.

According to the most recent state records available, at least 3,208 greyhound injuries have been reported at the Cross Lanes dog track since 2005, and nearly 200 dogs have died.  Further, it’s likely that the actual number of injuries and deaths is even higher because we learned during our investigations back in 2008 that the majority of off-track incidents go un-reported. (Stories linked below)
At the Wheeling WV dog track, 707 greyhounds were reported injured between January 2008 and September 2009. More than one hundred of these injuries involved broken legs, and other reported injuries included dislocations, broken ankles, lacerations, fractured skulls and spinal injuries. Additionally, 62 dogs died or were euthanized during this period.

Our goal is to obtain 5,000 signatures from around the state and across the US and then hand deliver it to US Senator Jay Rockefeller (WV), Governor Earl Ray Tomblin and WV State Officials to show support in stopping greyhound racing and a public display and outcry against this brutal sport.

Below are two stories to demonstrate the depth of abuse within the greyhound dog racing industry.

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