Shoot down NT 'trophy hunt' plans

  • mottagare: Tony Burke MP, Minister for Environment

When commercial croc hunting was banned in the NT, two ex-hunters put down their guns and began taking visitors on tours along the Adelaide River, just east of Darwin, to admire the local residents: crocodiles.

Almost as soon as these tours depart, crocodiles begin to approach the boat. But they're not interested in the tourists. These crocs learnt a long time ago that these boat cruises mean a free feed. In fact, according to experts, crocodiles are remarkably quick learners.

Far away from the cruise boats on the Adelaide River, researchers are discovering even more surprising facts about these giant reptiles, such as the variety of noises they use to communicate with each other. But one remarkable story offers perhaps the biggest surprise of all: Pocho, the croc proved that even crocodiles can respond to an act of kindness, when he befriended a Costa Rican man, who nursed him back to health after a painful gunshot wound left him blind in one eye.

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