Ask Cristiano Ronaldo to Move Out of Trump Tower

As a lover of all things sports and believer in basic human rights, I was incredibly disappointed to learn Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo has shelled out $18.5 million for an apartment in Trump Tower in New York City. Not only that, he is considering buying yet ANOTHER pad in the same building for a whopping $23 million.

Just months into his presidency, Trump has trampled all over our human rights and has plans to do worse. He implemented a Muslim travel ban, killed protections for transgender students, rolled back the Clean Power Plan, and is ramping up efforts to build an inhumane border wall.

Trump's administration is the epitome of cronyism and human rights abuses, and high-profile celebrities like Ronaldo have a duty to take a stand against Trump's fascist policies and ideas by refusing to do business with him.

Please sign this petition to ask Ronaldo to move out of Trump Tower!
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