Save Waynes National Forest!

  • av: Paige D
  • mottagare: Dean Gettinger, District Manager for the Bureau of Land Management

More than 240,000 acres of National Forest is planned to be auctioned off for fracking by the Federal Government.   

We need to protect Ohio's Wayne National Forest from oil and gas drilling.

The attorney for the Ohio Environmental Council explains:

“This will be bad for wildlife.  It will be bad for recreation and bad just for the health of the forest, generally.  Another problem is the federal government isn’t following their own laws.  This is heavy, industrial development we’re talking about and most people don’t want that in their backyards or publicly owned forests.”

Fracking has negatively impacts environment and has been linked to health problems… including water contamination.

We should be doing everything to protect our forests, not destroying them.

Please sign to save Waynes National Forest!

Dear Dean Gettinger,

I strongly urge you to take into consideration the negative health and environmental impacts of fracking.  The Federal Government should be protecting their forests, not destroying them. 

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