Support more recycling disposal units around New Paltz

  • av: Nick Kaiser
  • mottagare: Residents of New Paltz and local polticians

    The increasing amount garbage in landfills is a growing problem across the nation, but can be reduced through recycling in each town and city. We can do our part by recycling in our town. Some of the "garbage" in landfills is actually recyclable material that was thrown in a garbage because there was no recycling disposal unit avaliable.
      If the town were to place more recycling disposal units around the town we could reduce the amount recyclables in our local landfill and they can be put to good use again and again. When people have recyclables such as empty drink containers they look to throw them in the nearest disposal unit which is usually a trash can, but if there were more recycling disposal units those recyclables would have a much better chance of being recycled.

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