Earthquakes in Afghanistan Have Left Thousands Dead. The U.S. Must Help.

On Sunday, October 22, 2023, a large earthquake struck Afghanistan - after a previous round of earthquakes had already rocked the nation earlier the same month. The combination of the four strong quakes left thousands of people dead and whole communities demolished.

The U.S. must provide humanitarian aid, and ensure it goes to the correct organizations!

According to the U.N., upwards of 90% of the people who perished were women and children. Structures of all types were leveled - including homes, schools, health clinics, and other facilities - leaving many people homeless and without urgent medical care. Survivors were often forced to dig mass graves to accommodate the thousands who died.

Any time a region is hit so hard by a calamity like this, it's up to other governments to step in and show support through humanitarian aid. In this case, it's particularly important that the United States recognizes its duty to provide assistance.

The U.S. has spent decades destabilizing Afghanistan and the surrounding region, contributing to political, economic, and social vulnerabilities. At a time when the people of Afghanistan need stability the most, the U.S. has a moral duty to help.

Sign the petition to tell the U.S. government to help those impacted by these deadly earthquakes! It must provide aid, and work with organizations that will effectively disperse these resources to the people who need them the most.
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