Investigate Dog Abuse at the University of Oklahoma Laboratory!

USDA documents show that the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center used improper euthanasia methods for dogs in their studies. According to Michael Budkie, executive director of Ohio animal rights group Stop Animal Exploitation Now!, the lab electrocuted dogs with a 9-volt battery applied to the heart, but failed to use anesthesia. This means that the dogs suffered pain as they were killed.

The use of dogs in research is troubling enough given their loving and loyal nature and history of working with people. The possibility that these beautiful and intelligent creatures suffered pain for research is particularly disheartening. Please sign the petition to urge the USDA to investigate the institution and fine them for any breaches of reserach procedure.

We, the undersigned, are concerned with allegations that the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center used improper euthanasia methods for dogs in their studies. According to Michael Budkie, executive director of Ohio animal rights group Stop Animal Exploitation Now!, the lab electrocuted dogs with a 9-volt battery applied to the heart, but failed to use anesthesia. This means that the dogs suffered pain as they were killed.

The use of dogs in research is troubling enough given their loving and loyal nature and history of working with people. The possibility that these beautiful and intelligent creatures suffered pain for research is particularly disheartening. We respectfully urge you to investigate the institution and fine them for any breaches of reserach procedure. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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