Stop Selling Dog Fur

The fur industry has a long history of misrepresentation in order to sell their product. They continue to look for loopholes, despite President Barack Obama having signed into law, H.R. 2480, the Truth in Fur Labeling Act.

Still being mislabled, falsely advertised and mislabled is the Asian raccoon dog, which is actually a dog- not a raccoon. The fur industry is still trying to pass off this dog fur under inaccurate and misleading trade names, such as "Asiatic raccoon" and "Finn raccoon".

Raccoon dogs, native to Asia, are part of the same family that includes domesticated dogs. Despite their raccoon-like faces, they are not related to that North American mammal. The raccoon dog has a decidedly tougher life than most American dogs, however; the animal is routinely isolated on Chinese fur operations in tiny metal cages before being clubbed, slammed to the ground, or skinned alive.

Tell the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to require that raccoon dog fur be called "raccoon dog" on fur labels and not the inaccurate and misleading trade name "Asiatic raccoon."


Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20580
(202) 326-2222
online contact:

The fur industry has a long history of misrepresentation in order to sell their product. They continue to look for loopholes, despite President Barack Obama having signed into law, H.R. 2480, the Truth in Fur Labeling Act.

Still being mislabled, falsely advertised and mislabled is the Asian raccoon dog, which is actually a dog- not a raccoon. The fur industry is still trying to pass off this dog fur under inaccurate and misleading trade names, such as "Asiatic raccoon" and "Finn raccoon".

Raccoon dogs, native to Asia, are part of the same family that includes domesticated dogs. Despite their raccoon-like faces, they are not related to that North American mammal. The raccoon dog has a decidedly tougher life than most American dogs, however; the animal is routinely isolated on Chinese fur operations in tiny metal cages before being clubbed, slammed to the ground, or skinned alive.

Tell the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to require that raccoon dog fur be called "raccoon dog" on fur labels and not the inaccurate and misleading trade name "Asiatic raccoon."


Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20580
(202) 326-2222
online contact:

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