Repeal Britain's Dangerous Dog Act!

In 1991, Britain passed the "Dangerous Dog" act in response to aggressive incidents involving uncontrolled dogs. The Act, which affects England, Wales and Scotland, bans ownership of certain breeds considered to be dangerous, most notably the Pit Bull Terrier, without specific exemption from a court. 

Because of the act, dogs are being put to death for their appearance rather than any actual displays of aggression. Recently, a bulldog/Labrador mix named Lennox was killed after a dog warden said he was a Pit Bull. Hundreds of thousands of Dog lovers worldwide showed support for Lennox, and TV dog trainer Victoria Stilwell offered to fly Lennox to the U.S. at her expense, but the courts decided to put him down anyway. Neither bulldogs nor Labradors are on the dangerous breeds list.

The Dangerous Dog Act is grounded in prejudice, and innocent dogs are being killed for no reason. Please sign the petition to convince the Parliament of the United Kingdom to repeal this Act and focus on targeting irresponsible dog owners instead.

To: Parliament of the United Kingdom,

We, the undersigned, are concerned with the consequences of 1991's "Dangerous Dog Act." Because of the act, dogs are being put to death for their appearance rather than any actual displays of aggression.

Recently, a bulldog/Labrador mix named Lennox was killed after a dog warden said he was a Pit Bull. Hundreds of thousands of Dog lovers worldwide showed support for Lennox, and TV dog trainer Victoria Stilwell offered to fly Lennox to the U.S. at her expense, but the courts decided to put him down anyway. Neither bulldogs nor Labradors are on the dangerous breeds list.

We believe that the Dangerous Dog Act is grounded in prejudice, and innocent dogs are being killed for no reason. We urge you to repeal this Act and focus on targeting irresponsible dog owners instead. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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