Be the voice of man's best friend in Washington State--Let's end neglect, now!

How often do we see dogs on the news or circulating on Social Media Sites about dogs being left unattended in cars? Anytime the temperature outside reaches over 60° F, the temperature can climb to over 80° F in minutes--the higher the temperature, the hotter the car. This leads to heat exhaustion and even heat strokes leading to death.

However, dogs have the SAME risk being in a car under 50° F as that leads to risk of hypothermia or worse.

Currently, 22 states in the US have made it illegal to leave a dog in a parked vehicle, as a part of their 'Neglect Law'. This means dogs cannot be left unattended in a vehicle no matter the weather, no matter weather the windows are down or not. This also protects dogs from the tether law, which allows dogs to be tethered/chained outside unattended for an undetermined period of time as long as they have food, water, and a dog house.

We wouldn't want to be left in a car for weeks at a time alone, or tethered to the ground, why would any animal? They cannot speak for themselves, so let's be the voice for them.

Let's end animal neglect now!

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