Help required for animals remove VAT from Medication and Vet Fees.

Numerous animals are suffering or being neglected due to the VAT on Animal Medications and Vets Fees. The elderly and poor are suffering from heart ache as they cannot afford the high fees now being in charged. If VAT was removed it help Animal Charities as well. In fact everyone caring for animals. You spend lots of money on overseas aid but there is no money even in the Lottery Fund for these Charities. Are Animals not as important as the Arts, Old Buildings etc. In your first Budget can you not only think of the rich but those who who have feelings for their Animals.

Please will you take action as too many animals are being abandone due to people not being able to afford the fees.  The same medication for humans is being sold for animals at up to 10 times the cost.  The PDSA are few and far between and even Charities etc have this cost to bear. Thank you.

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