Ask Tik Tok to Stop Removing Vegan Posts

  • av: Angela W.
  • mottagare: Tik Tok CEO, Shouzi Chew, Vanessa Pappas, COO, ByteDance CEO Yiming Zhang, William E. Ford, Board Director ByteDance…

Tik Tok claims that videos with graphic content goes against their community standards especially that which glorifies violence or suffering. HOWEVER, they also claim to make exceptions for content that is newsworthy or meant to raise awareness.

So why does Tik Tokl constantly remove vegan posts exposing the truth about the dairy, meat, egg, fish and other related industries while allowing hunting and butcher posts (gore) to remain?

The purpose of Vegan Posts is to raise awareness about the animal cruelty involved in the above mentioned industries, the truth behind such labels as "free range" "humanely sourced" "grass fed"… Vegan posts also make the connection between these industries and the negative effects on environment and health.

Please don't discriminate against vegans. Allow vegans to a growing part of Tik Tok's community. Stop removing vegan posts.

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