China**and Animal abuse

China has done many things to animals.... Even Skinned... I am here to say that animals have rights to... they may not be human but just think of the pain they deal with.... Animals at all love to be **pet** and rubbed but when beat and skinned ... how do they ever get pet or even touched!! They can't close their mouth with no skin teeth showing all the time and eyes never blinked.... in order for their eyes to not shrival up or go blind and dry is to poor water on them every 10 seconds and the skin will never grow back in fact it would be to much pain as to even touch the animal to try to give it something usefull to help in the situation... but yes china in chinese fur farms, they( when they are done skinning ) throw the skinnless alive animal in a pile of other skinned alive animals on the cement... We need your help with all the signitures this could make a difference!! 

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